Welcome to the home of Team England Warhammer 40k! Team England is a community for Warhammer 40k players focused on the best way to play 40k - team events. Each year a squad of players, coaches and suporting roles is selected from within the community to represent England at the World Team Championships, the worlds largest international 40k team tournament.
In order to compete against the best players from around the world, we strive to create a group of players that is not only world class, but also plays the game the right way, built on our four pillars below. If this is something that speaks to you and your love of the hobby, then we invite you to explore this website and see what Team England has to offer.
Our application process is open to anyone living in or from England, who is interested in getting better at teams 40k.
Whether you think you are ready to play for the National team or not, going through the selection process will give you an insight into how team 40k is played at the highest level, and provide plenty of opportunities to hone your skills in practive days, events and online TTS games.
Read The Application Pack here
Listen to our Guide to Application chat here
Join Our Discord here and then Apply below!
Apply HereOur Discord is not just for team members and applicants - we're aiming to build an amazing community around the team, focused on both the UK and WTC meta, where you can chat about factions, arrange TTS games and get involved in both internal and international TTS scrims.
The server is incredibly active with multiple TTS games going on most evenings, and it's open to all - whether you're an experienced player wanting to represent England at the international level, a complete beginner who wants to improve, or even a player from another country just looking for somewhere to talk WTC 40k and play some games with our members, everyone is welcome to join and get involved.
Join HereCheck out our calendar for key days over the coming year, including:
Application & Squad Selection Dates
Events &Practice Days
TTS Leagues & Scrims
CalendarWe couldn't do any of this without the support of our incredible partners. If you have a business that could benefit from the exposure Team England can provide both throughout the year and at the WTC event, why not get in touch and see how we can work with you?
More details are available on our Support Us page by clicking the button below.
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